The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
If you are looking for some easy power for your 800, this simple kits makes power! We get the power to the ground with our SPEED SHOP INC Pro-Shift Clutch kit. Producing a 14-15 hp gain with the JAWS BIG SHARK Pipe, Y pipe, 2.5 degree timing key, and Power commander fuel controller. If you are looking for some easy...
If you are looking for some easy power for your 800, this simple kits makes power! We get the power to the ground with our SPEED SHOP INC Pro-Shift Clutch kit. Producing a 14-15 hp gain with the JAWS BIG SHARK Pipe, Y pipe, SSI Muffler, 2.5 degree timing key, and Power commander fuel controller. If you are looking for some easy...
This kit puts the best bolt on parts for your 800 all together for the ULTIMATE Bolt On Performance Kit! Producing a 21-22 hp gain with the JAWS BIG SHARK Pipe, Y pipe, SSI Muffler, SSI Billet Head, Boyesen Rage Cages, 2.5 degree timing key, and Power commander fuel controller. This kit puts the best bolt on...
This kit gives you the best bang for your buck for both performance and weight! - 15 lbs of weight with our polished stainless steel muffler - The performance stainless Y pipe and Boyesen reeds 7-8 more horsepower and 5 more lb/ft of torque! - Put the power to the ground with our Pro-Shift clutch kit This kit gives you the best bang for...
This kit puts the best bolt on parts for your 800 all together for the STAGE 3 ULTIMATE Performance Kit! Producing a 28-30 hp gain with our Cylinder Porting, JAWS BIG SHARK Pipe, Y pipe, SSI Muffler, SSI Billet Head, Boyesen Rage Cages, 2.5 degree timing key, and Power commander fuel controller. This kit puts the best bolt on...
Our 900 Big Bore Kit has been cranking out some serious power for several years now. It makes very impressive power and wicked torque. The powerband is broad and it's a blast to drive!! With the use of the Jaws Big Bore pipe, Boyesen reeds, a 2.5 degree timing key, and a power commander, this kit will crank out 190+ hp and over 120 lb/ft of torque on... Our 900 Big Bore Kit has been...