The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
high torque ring gear. Can not be used with stock planetary and ring gears!Only available in Forward! Electronic reverse is available. high torque ring gear. Can not be...
The planetary gears, sun gear and ring gear have been redesigned to take the thrust load away from the thrust washers of the planetary cage which was a weak point for all those customers with Big Bore kits and Turbo kit applications. The torque rating is 12% more than stock gears. three common ratios, 55/65, 57/63 and 59/61. Includes input gear, transfer... The planetary gears, sun gear and...
High Torque 5 Pinion Planetary/Non Reverse is perfect for a Turbo or big bore kit. We designed the new planetary with harden steel washer to replace the brass washer and straight cut to fix the problem of side load on the trust bearing, a common weak point in the old planetary.Can not be used with stock gear set and ring gears! Only available in... High Torque 5 Pinion Planetary/Non...
BDX Xtreme Lite Weight Gear Set 59/61-HT (2.32 Ratio) Can not be used with stock planetary and ring gears! Electronic reverse is available. BDX Xtreme Lite Weight Gear Set...
High Torque Xtreme Lite Weight Gear Set 55/65 (2.65 Ratio) Can not be used with stock planetary and ring gears! Electronic reverse is available. High Torque Xtreme Lite Weight Gear...
We have developed a super low ratio planetary gear set for those who use their snowmobiles for work or just wanted to have the ability to have a very slow drive away without burning belts. This uses our exclusive 4 pinion straight cut gears to give both strength and reliability to your Diamond Drive gear case. We have developed a super low ratio...
High Torque Xtreme Lite Weight Gear Set Can not be used with stock planetary and ring gears! Electronic reverse is available. High Torque Xtreme Lite Weight Gear...