The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
Our ECU tunes all run on premium pump gas 91 octane or more. They not only increase the horsepower, but they also improve the ride by making the throttle by wire not so jumpy. Much smoother and easier to control. We offer a 175, 195, and even a 205 horsepower option. Our ECU tunes all run on premium pump...
For your 900 Ace Turbo with the new 220 hp tune, these are the injectors needed. They are simply higher flow injectors than stock. For your 900 Ace Turbo with the new...
The Hurricane 220hp Flash Kit is a combination of Hurricane Flash and NEW injectors with plug and play wire connectors. This Flash requires wastegate rod adjustment as follows. The Hurricane 220hp Flash is rated to run on 94 octane and is safe to run stock exhaust. WITH OUR EXHAUST SYSTEM THIS KIT MAKES NEAR 230HP!! The Hurricane 220hp Flash Kit is a...