The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
This PROLITE version is 2.5 lbs lighter than stock. It is threaded on the end instead of using a snap ring to hold the pulley on. But it can also be used as a direct lightweight replacement for the stock shaft. It does have the snap ring grove on it too for the stock snap ring retainer. The larger diameter tube is stronger than stock too. This PROLITE version is 2.5 lbs...
This heavy duty shaft has a longer spline than stock so that the upper pulley of a belt drive has more support. This helps prevent premature wear of the splines which can cause excess wobbling. It also has a bolt on the end to keep the pulley tight against the bearing to also help eliminate wobbling of the upper pulley. This heavy duty shaft has a longer...
Heavy duty replacement jackshaft for 2012-2014 Arctic Cats with engine reverse. Heavy duty replacement jackshaft for...
Sealed Jackshaft bearings for chaincase and clutch sides on all 2012-current 23 arctic cat models Sealed Jackshaft bearings for...