The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
Our HY-PRO PLUS front end kits are now available with custom colors. Pick what color Spindle you want and what color A-arm kit you want separately.
The new Generation 2 version works with shocks of all kinds without having to relocate the upper shock mounts like our original design. This provides an easier installation, plus this latest version is stronger too.
Here are the advantages of our HY-PRO PLUS front end kits:
+1.5 inches taller spindles for more ground clearance to help prevent hitting rocks.
-Improved caster angle makes it much easier to steer and makes it much more predictable in bumps.
-Each spindle is 1 lb lighter than the oem spindles because they are 4 inches shorter on the top side in comparison to stock or other aftermarket spindles.
-Billet mounting brackets for the upper A arms move mouning location 4 inches lower. They are strong and come with billet bulkhead strengthening plates.
-The spindles are Forged and are extremely strong. Plus the appearance of them is simply awesome!!
-Billet Upper Arms are the same for both sides, the work with all OEM shocks, and they are very strong.
If you want to upgrade a snowmobile with a wider stance to the Hy-Pro front end kits, pick the optional high clearance lower A arms and our tie rod and ball joint kit.