The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
We have developed clutch kits for all types of applications for the RZR. Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. We have developed clutch kits for all...
We have developed clutch kits for all types of applications for the RZR. Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. These high elevation versions are for riding from 4000 feet of elevation or higher. We have developed clutch kits for all...
We have developed clutch kits for all types of applications for the GENERAL 1000. Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. We have developed clutch kits for all...
We have developed clutch kits for all types of applications for the GENERAL 1000. Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. We have developed clutch kits for all...
Whether you have a stock RZR TURBO or one with the ecu flashed, our PROSHIFT clutch kit puts the power to the ground! Utilizing our PROMAG adjustable weights for the primary clutch, the kit allows you to harness the horsepower at all horsepower levels. Whether you have a stock RZR TURBO or...
Universal Spring Compressor *Removes all primary and secondary clutch springs *Works on all Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski-doo, Yamaha, Primary and most secondary’s, Including TEAM. *Removes Arctic Cat Diamond Drive Springs *Can bolt directly to bench or fit in any standard vise Universal Spring Compressor *Removes...
Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. The stock helix is made of heavy steel in the 2020 ProXp, not ours! Our helix is aluminum and is much lighter! Our clutch kits provide gains...
Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. The high elevation kits are designed for kits elevations above 4000 feet. They drastically improve performance for your machine since the stock clutching will load the motor too much at the higher... Our clutch kits provide gains...
Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. The combination of our custom cut helix cam along with our adjustable ProMag weights, put the power to the wheels. And then our springs help to grab the belt harder and improve throttle response.... Our clutch kits provide gains...
Our clutch kits provide gains throughout the powerband. They hole shot quicker, have quicker throttle response, and accelerate harder than stock. The combination of our custom cut helix cam along with our adjustable ProMag weights, put the power to the wheels. And then our springs help to grab the belt harder and improve throttle response.... Our clutch kits provide gains...