The Most Complete board for your catalyst on the market PERIOD!! No...
NOW SHIPPING We've been working with our friends over at Ibexx to help...
Save yourself the headache of worn out Lower A-Arms. ALL Catalysts, no...
Our Pro Mag weights give you the adjustability you need for all applications. They work great if you have the boost turned up or even if your machine is stock. With 4 positions per weight, and a total of 21 grams of adjustment per arm, they cover several horsepower levels. FITS: RZR TURBO, RS1, RANGER 1000 WITH THE LARGE TEAM DRIVE CLUTCH Our Pro Mag weights give you the...
Our Pro Mag weights for the Turbo RZR give you the adjustability you need for all applications. They work great if you have the boost turned up or even if your machine is stock. With 4 positions per weight, and a total of 21 grams of adjustment per arm. IF YOU HAVE BIG HORSEPOWER, YOU NEED THESE WEIGHTS!! Adjustable from 69-90 Grams per arm!! Our Pro Mag weights for the Turbo RZR...
Pro Mag weights give you the adjustability you need for all applications. They work great if you have the boost turned up or even if your machine is stock. With 4 positions per weight, and a total of 21 grams of adjustment per arm, they cover several horsepower levels. Our weights come with a replaceable pivot pin bushing too, unlike stock. THE BEST... Pro Mag weights give you the...
Our Pro Mag weights for the Turbo RZR PRO XP give you the adjustability you need for stock or big boost applicatons. With 4 positions per weight, and a total of 27 grams of adjustment per arm, they cover several horsepower levels and altitudes. Our Pro Mag weights for the Turbo RZR...